Industry Experience

  • NP Compete Technologies Chennai, India | 2011-2014
    • Member of Technical Staff performing tasks through the entire software development lifecycle
    • Developed an Android SDK that enabled businesses to detect user actions and make dynamic UI changes to their existing mobile applications in real-time.
    • Designed and implemented a comprehensive testing strategy by writing module-level JUnit tests and defining product-level use case scenarios.
    • Defined and created a novel Contact Management application that enabled users to easily access and manage their contacts across various social networks and platforms.
    • Implemented a Flask web application to collect user’s contact information via OAuth and store it in user’s Dropbox.
    • Technical lead of a team of 4 programmers, managing product features, software design choices, coding standards and continuous integration.
    • Implemented a tool in python that processed and categorized emails using the Naive Bayes Classifier.
    • Initiated a team-wide peer code review practice that contributed to accelerated development.
    • Utilized experience in iOS and the Android platform to solve project-specific problems for various development teams.